UX portfolio has moved

A brand new portfolio is now at RiehlUX.com!

There’s a new site for my professional work. It’s not here anymore.

This site has been repurposed. It now focuses on my personality and interests.

If you’re interested in hiring me, please visit RiehlUX.com.


Where can you go to tell the world who you are? Social media? Probably not a good idea. Sharing honest opinions on a public platform can sometimes result in not great things. I’d prefer to let my thoughts be known to a private audience. Everything here is under lock and key. 

I write poetry, draw, paint, create costumes, write stories, act, sing, collect comic books, action figures, video games and enjoy watching movies and listening to many styles of music. I have opinions about life, death, society, the United States, politics, religion, and the economy. All of these thoughts, feelings, perspectives, beliefs and aspects of my life are contained in this space. 


My favorite movie of all time has got to be Blade Runner. I was 5 years old when it hit theaters in 1982. I wasn’t allowed to watch it then, of course. But, back then, my parents took the whole family to see Annie. The theater was giving away these behind-the-scenes magazines all about the movie and they advertised other films in the back of it. One of them was Blade Runner. 

My sister and I would read through that magazine over and over and I was very interested in the Blade Runner graphic. He was holding a gun, she was smoking, it was dark, there were flying cars, buildings, lights, smoke… ever since, I’ve loved the look of that world. 

in 1996, I had a job and a car, so I would frequent Hollywood Video and rent all the movies my parents told me not to watch. The first one I picked up was Blade Runner. We had two VCR’s, so I copied it and watched it repeatedly. I listened to the soundtrack in my car. I played the Windows 95 game. 

Why do I love this movie so much? Maybe because it rains a lot in Oregon. Maybe because of the contrast of bright city lights against a night sky. Maybe it’s because I see a world of fake, generic replicants and I’m constantly trying to live up to my namesake, being genuine and authentic.

My favorite poem

The best poem I ever wrote was in the early 2000’s, in a hotel room far from home. My dad and I took a work trip and we were in some other town that was hours away. He was in the shower and I was laying on my bed, writing. Most of the words just popped into my head with little to no effort, although I had been thinking about the concept for a while. I had intended for it to be a song, but it never came to fruition. That’s ok. Maybe someday.

I call it, “Security Blanket

Nothing outside of these walls can hurt us

As the soap now rushes our minds

We'll sit in our chairs, with our empty stares

Not knowing that we've gone blind

We're festering in this cage

There's a way out, but doubt has made us afraid

We don't ask questions, we just do what we're told

'Cause all they want to tell us is all we need to know

We're all safe now, aren't we?

Let's all join hands and repeat the chorus

We're programmed to be feelin' fine

We'll welcome you in, wipe away your sin

Then, take the next one in line

Is there really more than this?

We'd never know, 'cause ignorance is bliss

Reality's here and I'm somewhat perplexed

Somebody tell me what to think next

T-shirt Designs!

My wife, Annie, and I create T-shirt designs and sell them on TEEPUBLIC

We’ve got 12 different designs for sale and the list continues to grow. Some are original concepts and some are new takes on familiar logos or graphics. If there’s anything specific you’d like me to design, let me know and I’ll get it uploaded ASAP!

We appreciate your support!